My film concept is a sequel to the famous film franchise "Fast & Furious" continuing from the 7th movie (despite the release of the 8th movie). My final plan for this film has came to a conclusion and modified from the film concept given in the surveys. This sequel is going to have a whole lot of different characters. This movie would be set in the U.S's 4 famous states. In these states are going to a street race and also a major dilemma which is created by the villain and his henchmen whom are trying to pursue a precious jewel all the way in Florida. The only people that could bring the villains down are the 8 heroes/racers. The genre of this film is Action with the sub-genres of drama and Racing.
Fast & Furious 7 was set in various locations in America and also in Dubai too. The genre for this film is Action & Drama.
The producer of my film is myself, and a producer takes care of the content of the movie itself, such as choosing the cast, overlooking production & postproduction, managing scripts and also hire a director for the filming to take action. The producer oversees every aspect of distribution because they want to see what is the most trending way the public gets important information/news. So this is important to a producer because it helps them bring in more sales when it comes to the initial release of advertisement. the research technique which was available were Questionnaires which helped me make a final decision of choosing the right characters according to the role and also what i could change about my film concept and other minor details. For example, the most requested actor for the lead role was Jason Statham and the most requested actor to play the villain was Kevin Spacey. This has all been taken to account and will hopefully suit the needs of the audience.
Target Audience
The target audience for my film are young adults because Action is a lively genre and a lot of young adults love Action movies mainly because of the fighting scenes, the amazing stunts and also landmarks that give the audience much more appreciation to the film. A strategy that I used was in the survey and this is where i used pictures of actors without putting their names under them. I think this was very effective because it led to some people circling the actor to play a specific role based on how they look (facial features). However, the others that knew about the actors based it on films that they have starred in before. Another strategy i used was getting to know each person's age range which led to me finding the appropriate target audience for my film. The last strategy i used was asking the 20 people from the survey "what would they like to see in an Action movie" and i had responses such as; Martial Arts, people dying, fights, cars, explosions, car chases, guns, heroes, survival etc... All this represents how the target audience are young adults (16 - 21) as they want the movie to contain fiery scenes which would catch their attention. On the other hand, proving that this film is targeted at young adults, i had an older adult do a survey to collect information from him too. He said he wasn't the target audience of the film as he is into Horror, but he says that he would love to see a good plot and characters in an action movie. This shows that the older generation pay little attention to Action. I strongly do believe that the target audience was selected properly despite the anomalies that were accumulated from the surveys.
Marketing Strategies
I'm choosing to market this film on Social Media as this was most frequent requested way to notify the audience about this film. I feel like this is a good idea to market my film because a lot of young people now-a-days are always on their phones, on social media sites such as, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram & Facebook. This would really benefit me as it would bring more people wanting to know/watch the film. On the other hand, i would like to market this film by posters too, because not a lot of people have phones or technology like the way others do and there are some middle-aged people that love Action movies but the downside is that they aren't living in a modern lifestyle. So posters would be another way to market this film which would not only encourage the audience to see my film but it would attract them by seeing the artwork on the poster leading them to want to watch my film.
The distributer of my film is going to be Universal Pictures (also Fast & Furious' distributer) and 20th Fox Century (also The Transporter's distributer) as i would love the same recognition as these two film franchises. The benefits of choosing the right distributer is that the film gets marketed to the right audience and they will help you make profit from the money that the producer has put in to make this film come to life. The chosen Distributers are both world known and famous company and this is going to bring a lot of people to watching my film as Universal Pictures & 20th Century Fox distribute the most top box office films to America and the rest of the world. This could even attract people outside of my target audience but they would still like this film because it has a different twist to the other "Action Films".
My film concept is a sequel to the famous film franchise "Fast & Furious" continuing from the 7th movie (despite the release of the 8th movie). My final plan for this film has came to a conclusion and modified from the film concept given in the surveys. This sequel is going to have a whole lot of different characters. This movie would be set in the U.S's 4 famous states. In these states are going to a street race and also a major dilemma which is created by the villain and his henchmen whom are trying to pursue a precious jewel all the way in Florida. The only people that could bring the villains down are the 8 heroes/racers. The genre of this film is Action with the sub-genres of drama and Racing.
Fast & Furious 7 was set in various locations in America and also in Dubai too. The genre for this film is Action & Drama.
The producer of my film is myself, and a producer takes care of the content of the movie itself, such as choosing the cast, overlooking production & postproduction, managing scripts and also hire a director for the filming to take action. The producer oversees every aspect of distribution because they want to see what is the most trending way the public gets important information/news. So this is important to a producer because it helps them bring in more sales when it comes to the initial release of advertisement. the research technique which was available were Questionnaires which helped me make a final decision of choosing the right characters according to the role and also what i could change about my film concept and other minor details. For example, the most requested actor for the lead role was Jason Statham and the most requested actor to play the villain was Kevin Spacey. This has all been taken to account and will hopefully suit the needs of the audience.
Target Audience
The target audience for my film are young adults because Action is a lively genre and a lot of young adults love Action movies mainly because of the fighting scenes, the amazing stunts and also landmarks that give the audience much more appreciation to the film. A strategy that I used was in the survey and this is where i used pictures of actors without putting their names under them. I think this was very effective because it led to some people circling the actor to play a specific role based on how they look (facial features). However, the others that knew about the actors based it on films that they have starred in before. Another strategy i used was getting to know each person's age range which led to me finding the appropriate target audience for my film. The last strategy i used was asking the 20 people from the survey "what would they like to see in an Action movie" and i had responses such as; Martial Arts, people dying, fights, cars, explosions, car chases, guns, heroes, survival etc... All this represents how the target audience are young adults (16 - 21) as they want the movie to contain fiery scenes which would catch their attention. On the other hand, proving that this film is targeted at young adults, i had an older adult do a survey to collect information from him too. He said he wasn't the target audience of the film as he is into Horror, but he says that he would love to see a good plot and characters in an action movie. This shows that the older generation pay little attention to Action. I strongly do believe that the target audience was selected properly despite the anomalies that were accumulated from the surveys.
Marketing Strategies
I'm choosing to market this film on Social Media as this was most frequent requested way to notify the audience about this film. I feel like this is a good idea to market my film because a lot of young people now-a-days are always on their phones, on social media sites such as, Snapchat, Twitter, Instagram & Facebook. This would really benefit me as it would bring more people wanting to know/watch the film. On the other hand, i would like to market this film by posters too, because not a lot of people have phones or technology like the way others do and there are some middle-aged people that love Action movies but the downside is that they aren't living in a modern lifestyle. So posters would be another way to market this film which would not only encourage the audience to see my film but it would attract them by seeing the artwork on the poster leading them to want to watch my film.
The distributer of my film is going to be Universal Pictures (also Fast & Furious' distributer) and 20th Fox Century (also The Transporter's distributer) as i would love the same recognition as these two film franchises. The benefits of choosing the right distributer is that the film gets marketed to the right audience and they will help you make profit from the money that the producer has put in to make this film come to life. The chosen Distributers are both world known and famous company and this is going to bring a lot of people to watching my film as Universal Pictures & 20th Century Fox distribute the most top box office films to America and the rest of the world. This could even attract people outside of my target audience but they would still like this film because it has a different twist to the other "Action Films".
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